Monday, August 9, 2010

Book Review

City of Ashes (The Mortal Instruments, #2)City of Ashes by Cassandra Clare

My rating: 4 of 5 stars

This book picks up right were the first one left off. Clary's life has gotten alot more complicated ever since she discovered that she is a shadowhunter. Her mother is in some kind of magical coma that no one can get her out of, Luke, the man that she has grown up with and practcally a father to her, is a werewolf, Valentine, her newly discovered father, has escaped with the Mortal Cup, and she has a new brother, Jace. And it looks like things are just going to continue to get even more complicated.

The whole Shadow world is falling apart, not only has there been no sign of Valentines where about and the Mortal cup, but there's something that has been killing downworlder children. First a young worlock was found dead and drane drained of blood, then a werewolf boy was attacked out side of a popular werewolf hang out, and now a fea child was drained of blood. All evidence is pointing to the Children of the Night, but there leader swears that it is not them that have been murdering the downworlder children. So now it is up to Clary and her new friends to uncover what is really happenning in the Shadow World, while also dealing with there own personal problems, Jace is being acused of conspiering with his father against the Clave, Clary is trying to give Simon a chance, and even though they have now discovered that they are brother and sister, Jace and Clary are having trouble hidding their feelings for each other, but it may be to late, have they already begun to fall in love.

I thought that this was a great sequl to the first book, City of Bones. It picked up right were the first left off and never skiped a beet. The characters continue to get further developed and seem almost real. Clare has done an amazing job creating a story line that keeps you hang on it's every word. She knows exactly were to put all the twists and turns that keep you guessing and wanting to read more to find out what will happen next. I think that I may have like this one even more then the first, there was more action and the plot just keeps getting thicker and thicker, and now I can't wait to start the next book to find out what will happen in the end.

I would recommend this book to anyone, if you like a book with adventure, secrets, love, and the paranomal than your sure to love this book. Also if you've read the first book and loved it you will not be disapointed with this one.

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