Monday, August 9, 2010

Book Review

Kiss Me Kill Me (Kiss/Scarlett Wakefield, #1)Kiss Me Kill Me by Lauren Henderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Great teen murder mystery!

I loved this book, it was interesting and full of twidts and turns. It starts out when a girl named Scarlett goes to a party and a boy named Dan McAndrew, her first crush, dies in her arms when she kisses him for the first time. You then follow Scarlet as she transfers to a prep school run by her grandmother to get away from the constant teasing and guilt after Dans death. She is just starting to start a new life at this school when she reasives an anonymous not from someone that tells her that they know she is inoccent. This sends Scarlett on her way to find out what happend the night of the party, and clearing her name.

This is a great book for anyone that's in to mystery and loves books full of suspense. The endding will also have you running out to get the sequel.

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